Sunday, December 27, 2015

Day 362 A Story of Tired Moms!

I have been very busy with 'mommy duty' currently that I missed quite a lot of updates here in blogger.

I couldn't even catch up anymore from the last posted since I was working in the office. Usually get to browse in blogger for few mins in the morning over morning coffee and that's it. I never thought how much I missed my old job but really appreciate being a part of motherhood is real job for your child. 

And when I am back from 'mommy duty'  I'd be continuing my mommy's tasks. By the moment I lay on the bed, all I wanna do is close my eyes and sleep while Adam naps.

I do not know about you but I enjoy full time working mommy! Trying as best I am a American-Malaysian life stylish. Ya, I lived in states a quiet long ago I met a lovely American family, friends and weird Asian people. HA...HA...HA... experience from two different world but thankful where I lived in states and will always remember.

A few things to keep in mind to find the most happiness through motherhood and be the best mom possible. For your future, your children, their children too... Our foot steps not same from our parents. Follow your own foot steps. 

Growing up isn't the problem. But forgetting is.

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