Monday, December 28, 2015

Day 363 A Story of Tired Moms Part II

Remember what life was like when you were a kid? When I were a kid, unspoken, less communication, seriously my story wasn't princess fair tales. I am a oldest daughter [...] unbreakable hardly to accept from thru my childhood till 20's, no body understand my feelings. 

I wasn't daddy's little princess... and wasn't mommy's best girlfriend neither. My childhood will always remember BUT as I am now, being a mother I understand be a part of parents. Life is short and meant to be enjoyed. It's not just about work every day. STOP. What you are depends on your lazy maid. Take a vacation even for a day, or an hour. I have been thru all this 'Typical Malaysian" was lucky having a lazy maid lives with you? You never understand a part of full time motherhood. You thought all this easy from 'ZERO" to 100% perfect. 

Remember, where you are and who you are... Be yourself. Follows your own footsteps. If you're finding life a little too hard, try looking at it through the eyes of a child.

Slow Down. Laugh and Cry. Keep it Simple. Forgive. Love. Have Fun.

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